I dissapeared, comepletely, I know. But this couch surfer life I am living makes it hard to even find the time to search, save and upload the photos you need to make an interesting post. It’s certainly not because there isn’t a milion things to write about. Since I left Copenhagen the 29th of March I’ve spent time with the most beloved fascinating characters in Berlin, New York, Denver and Toronto, and slept on about 11 different couches and beds.
It’s time to start somewhere and I will do that with my great friend Eden Sela – it would be a crime not to share her beautiful music. She is a petite figure with a captivating personality (half Mexican, half Irish), and a voice that will linger in the back of your mind for days. She sings and records personal stories right on the floor of her Bushwick apartment, some of them are taking to studio recordings, some are not. I often like her home recordings best (like the album Stragglers, a collection of rough drafts and songs that didn’t make it to the finished album), cause they are like entering a room or a landscape, so very curious and personal that I feel priviledged to even enter it.
Bring your ears to her bandcamp page, where all her music, very generously, is free to download.
Your can also find her on Facebook a long side upcoming show dates (mostly in the US and Canada)